

In this captivating graphic titled “Convergence,” vibrant chaos unfolds as colourful curved crescents and circular shapes intertwine over rounded vertical black bands. The interplay of chaotic hues sets the stage, creating a mesmerizing visual experience. However, hidden within this lively chaos lies a secret waiting to be unveiled through the prism’s transformative lens.

As you look through the prism, a remarkable transformation occurs. The colours converge, causing the once crescent hues at the top and bottom of the black bands to vanish, leaving behind a stark canvas of black and white. This unexpected disappearance adds an intriguing dimension to the composition.

Convergence as viewed through a prism

Amidst this dichotomy, another magical mystery unfolds along the midpoint of the black bars. What initially appeared as an array of disorganized shapes reveals its hidden order when viewed through the prism. Each pixel has been meticulously arranged so that six distinct rings emerge from the disorder, each with it’s own distinct hue. From left to right, the rings turn magenta, red, yellow, green, cyan, and blue.

“Convergence” invites viewers to explore the delicate balance between chaos and order, guided by the physics of refraction and the mesmerizing effect created as colours converge through the prism’s lens.
