VIXEN: The Shifty Fox


In the graphic “VIXEN,” we dive into the intriguing world of a fox, keeping things down-to-earth yet interesting. A head-shot of a fox, split into two halves, each playing its own colour game.

On the left side, a regal white fox emerges from the obsidian shadows, touched by a hint of blue and yellow. Blue and yellow hues, seemingly caught in a celestial waltz, dancing around the creature’s visage, waiting for the moment of revelation. But here’s the twist: As the viewer peers through this magical lens, the dance transforms – the once serene blue and yellow morph into a passionate duet of red and cyan. The vixen has a hidden alter ego waiting to be revealed, as seen below.

VIXEN as seen through a prism.
VIXEN as seen through a prism.

Now, on the right side, an onyx counterpart emerges, a shadowy silhouette on a canvas of purity, featuring a splash of red and cyan. Hold on though, because when you view it through the prism, a dance of elemental opposites, a tantalizing twist where the red and blue swap places, and the cyan and yellow perform a mesmerizing exchange – the red becomes blue, and the cyan transforms into yellow. It’s a bit of a colour shuffle that adds a cool twist.

But let’s not forget the science behind the magic. This isn’t just some artistic trickery; it’s all about how light behaves. The prism unlocks the scientific secrets, turning this fox portrait into a playful exploration of colour and perception.

So, in “VIXEN,” enjoy the fox’s subtle temperament twist and get ready for a straightforward yet captivating journey through the fascinating world of colour shifts and optical wonders.