

Skullusion: An Illusionary Journey Through Life and Death

The artwork Skullusion is an interesting piece that is sure to capture the attention of anyone who lays their eyes on it. The use of vivid colours including red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta creates a visual explosion of colour that is both striking and mesmerizing. At first glance, the artwork appears to be a simple depiction of a skull with flowers growing out of it, emerging from a puff of smoke. But upon closer inspection, one can see that there is much more to this piece than meets the eye.

Skullusion is a testament to the fact that we don’t always see everything at once. By looking at things from different angles and perspectives, we can unlock new levels of beauty, meaning and understanding that we might not have noticed otherwise.

Skullusion – Viewed through a prism held horizontally

What sets Skullusion apart from other similar artworks is its ability to change colour depending on the point of view of the viewer. When viewed through a prism held horizontally at the correct focal point, the skull turns red and cyan while the smoke in the background turns blue and yellow as seen below. This creates a striking contrast that highlights the duality of life and death, and the inevitable changes that occur throughout our existence.

Skullusion – Prism held horizontally

Skullusion is a representation of the cycle of life and death, the beauty that can be found in both, and the inevitability of their coexistence. The skull, with its empty eye sockets and toothless grin, is a symbol of death, decay, and the passing of time. However, the flowers growing out of the skull represent life, hope, and the renewal of nature. The puff of smoke serves as a reminder that life and death are intertwined, and that every ending is the beginning of something new.

Skullusion – Prism held 90 degrees counter clockwise

Even more fascinating, is the fact that when the prism is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise so that it is vertical, the colours are reversed, and the skull turns blue and yellow while the smoke turns red and cyan. This creates a completely different visual experience that is just as stunning as the first, and serves as a testament to the power of perception and perspective.

In summary, Skullusion showcases the beauty and complexity of life and death, and the ever-changing nature of our existence. The use of vivid colours, stunning composition, and optical transitions creates a truly mesmerizing visual experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who views it. It serves as a reminder that life is fleeting and precious, and that death is merely a transformation into something new.

It’s a reminder that sometimes reality isn’t always what it seems, and that by looking beyond the surface, from different angles and perspectives that, you can gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. The most profound illusions are the ones that show us the truth about the world around us.