

“Mesmereyes”: An Artistic Journey Through Transformation and Perception.

The name itself is intriguing, Mesmereyes, a play on the word mesmerize that immediately captures the imagination. And this work of art does not disappoint. At first glance, one may be struck by the offset yellow and cyan colours and the composition of the portrait. But the true beauty and magic of this piece can only be experienced when viewed through a prism or simulation.

The transformation that takes place when viewed through a prism is nothing short of remarkable. As you hold the prism up to the image and use the image title to focus, the eyes that were once black and white will now shift into a mix of red, green, and blue hues that slightly overlap each other as demonstrated in the simulation below. Depending on your focus the 3 colours may overlap more and create a rainbow effect. The effect is stunning and mesmerizing, leaving the viewer feeling transformed and transported into a second reality.

Mesmereyes Revealed

But there is more to the transformation than just the eyes. If one takes a closer look, they will notice that the yellow and cyan colours also appear to have undergone a profound shift. In the original image, the yellow was positioned above the black while the cyan was positioned under. However, through the prism, these colours have flipped positions entirely, creating a sense of disorientation and mystery that adds to the overall mesmerizing effect. The yellow is now positioned lower down while the cyan has moved up. Below is an actual photograph taken from the a view through a prism, note how the colour shift is similar to the shift in the image above.

Photo of Mesmereyes through a prism.

The transformative power of this piece speaks to a deeper truth about perception and how it can be manipulated and transformed in unexpected ways. Mesmereyes challenges us to question our understanding of the world around us and how our perceptions can be shaped and altered by our environment. By presenting us with a new and unexpected perspective on reality, Mesmereyes encourages us to embrace the unknown and the transformative power of art.

This piece is a celebration of the power of art to transform and transcend the ordinary. The use of colour, composition, and the transformative power of the prism all come together to create a piece that invites the viewer to open their mind and see the world in a new and exciting way. Mesmereyes challenges us to look beyond the surface and to explore the depths of our imagination and creativity.

The colours used in this piece are particularly striking. The offset yellow and cyan create a sense of tension and balance, drawing the viewer in and creating a sense of anticipation. The use of colour is expertly crafted, drawing the viewer’s eye towards the eyes of the subject, which serve as the focal point of the piece.

The composition of the portrait is equally impressive. The subject stares out at the viewer with an intensity that is both captivating and unsettling. The position of the subject’s head and the angle of the eyes all contribute to the sense of disorientation and transformation that occurs when viewed through a prism.

Mesmereyes is a piece of art that challenges our perceptions of reality and invites us to see the world in a new and exciting way. It encourages us to embrace the unknown and to explore the depths of our imagination and creativity. This piece is a testament to the transformative power of art and the ability of an artist to capture the imagination and captivate the soul.

As you gaze into the mesmerizing colours of Mesmereyes, allow yourself to be carried away by its transformative power. Let yourself be swept up in the magic of the moment and see the world through a new and different lens. And remember, the true beauty of art lies not just in what we see, but in the way it transforms us, leaving us forever altered and transformed by the power of its vision.