Colour Correction

Colour Correction

What secrets lie hidden amongst the leaves in Colour Correction? The colour changes are sure to keep you guessing unless you know the secret behind prism art.

In this graphic, all of the colours in the leaves of the rings start off as red and cyan. Red is on the top, and cyan is on the bottom. You might expect that when viewed through a prism, the rings should all turn the same colour since they all started off as the same colour. However, they don’t!

When viewed through a prism, 2 of the rings will turn blue and yellow, while the third ring turns magenta and green! Can you predict which colours each ring will turn?

When viewed correctly through a prism, the center ring turns magenta and green, while the inner and outer rings turn blue and yellow as seen in the image above.

I mentioned earlier that in the original image, all of the leaves in the rings were red on the top, and cyan on the bottom. But in the final image the red and cyan turn blue and yellow in two rings while simultaneously turning magenta and green in the middle ring.

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